Bachelor of Science (Hons) Quantity Surveying

(R2/526/6/0028)(03/30) (MQA/FA1239)

SEGi University’s Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Quantity Surveying is a distinguished program that holds full accreditation from the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia (BQSM), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PAQS). This international recognition empowers graduates to pursue the prestigious Chartered Quantity Surveyor title globally.

Beyond imparting essential knowledge in building construction, this degree equips students with a broad spectrum of skills, including analytical, measurement, cost estimation, project management, problem-solving, and effective communication.

The program has industry recognition, accreditation from esteemed bodies, an emphasis on critical analytical skills and value engineering, and a faculty of experienced lecturers. Notably, the “Industry into Classroom” approach sets SEGi apart, offering students a hands-on learning experience through real industry projects guided by academic and industry experts.

At SEGi University, we embrace diversity, with a student body representing over 90 nationalities. This multicultural environment promotes international exposure, enriching students’ perspectives and networking opportunities.

Accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, this programme guarantees quality education and a pathway to a fulfilling career as a Quantity Surveyor, Contract and Cost Administrator, Property and Commercial Executive, Procurement Advisor, or Contract Executive/Project Executive.

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Pass in STPM or equivalent, minimum Grade C (2.00) in 3 subjects including Mathematics
Pass in A-Level in 3 subjects including Mathematics
Pass in Unified Examinations Certificate (UEC) at least B in 5 subjects including Mathematics
Pass in New South Wales Higher Certificate with Grade C in 3 subjects including Mathematics
Pass in South Australia Certificate of Education (SACE) and Grade C in 3 subjects including Mathematics
Pass in Ontario Secondary School Diploma, 60% over all in 3 subjects including Mathematics
Pass in International Baccalaureate Diploma, with at least score of 24
Pass in Matriculation in relevant area (Ministry of Education Malaysia), Pass with minimum CGPA of 2.50
Pass in Foundation Studies in related field by Higher Institutions Provider recognised by Malaysia Government (at least CGPA 2.50)
Pass in Diploma in related field by Higher Institutions Provider recognised by Malaysia Government (at least CGPA 2.00)
Direct Entry to Year 2 with minimum CGPA 2.67 in Diploma in QS by Higher Institutions Provider recognised by Malaysia Government
Pass in Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) with minimum 55% passing marks, including credit in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics

For local student:
Credit C SPM in Mathematics it’s a MUST.

托福成绩不低于 500 分或雅思成绩不低于 5.0 分。



Building Construction I
Management of Built Environment
Basic Architectural and Engineering Design
Building Services I
Basic Drawing and AutoCAD
Building Services II
Introduction to Measurement of Building Works
Construction Law
Geomatic Engineering
Principle of Economics
Building Construction II


Quantity Surveying Practice I
Measurement of Building Works I
Construction Contract Law
Tendering and Estimating
Measurement of Building Works II
Quantity Surveying Practice II
Construction Economics I
Civil and Infrastructures Construction Works
Academic Research
Information Computer Technology (ICT)


Measurement of Civil Engineering Works
Construction and Project Management
Data Analysis and Statistic
Quantity Surveying Practice III
Construction Economics II
Value Engineering and Management
Financial Commercial Management
Quantification & Computerisation
Industrial Training (6 months – to be completed before the Final semester)

Matapelajaran Umum(MPU)

马来语共同语言 2(国际语言)
国语 A(适用于 SPM 文凭中没有文凭的本地学生)
"我的朋友"(Pengurusan Ko-kurikulum


Quantity Surveyor, Contract and Cost Administrator, Property and Commercial Executive, Procurement Advisor & Contract Executive/Project Executive are just some of the possible employment prospects for QS graduates.



MC 学位 摄入量
  学位 摄入量


Faculty members

No. Name Title Qualifications Areas of Expertise
1 Dr. Maisarah Makmor, Prov. QS Programme Leader 1. Doctor of Philosophy (UM)
2. Master of Science in Specialisms of the Built Environment (UiTM)
3. Bachelor of Science (Hons) Quantity Surveying (UM)
4. Registered Provisional Quantity Surveyor (Prov. QS), BQSM
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Public Participation, Sustainable Development, Green Technology, Dispute Resolution, Measurement of Civil Engineering Works
2 Associate Professor Sr Ahmad Faris Omar, CQS, FRISM, MRICS Senior Lecturer 1. MSc. In Construction Economics & Management-UCL London
2. BSc. In Building Economics & Quantity Surveying-Herriot-Watt University Scotland, UK.
3. Registered Consultant Quantity Surveyor (CQS), BQSM
4. Fellow of Royal Institute of Surveyors Malaysia (FRISM)
5. Registered Chartered Quantity Surveyor (MRICS)
Construction Contract, Project Management Consultant (PMC), Facilities Management, Risk Management, Value Management
3 Ts. Zamzarina Md Judyar Senior Lecturer 1. MSc Construction Management,UTM
2. BSc (Hons) Housing Building and Planning (Construction Management),USM
3. Professional Technologist, MBOT
Construction Management, Construction Technology 
4 Sr. Ts. Eunice Chia Mei Ling Lecturer 1. Master of Science (Construction Contract Management) (UTM)
2. Bachelor in Quantity Surveying (UTM)
3. Certificate in Adjudication
4. Registered Professional Quantity Surveyor (PQS), BQSM
5. Professional Technologist, MBOT
Dispute, Negotiation, Conflict Management
5 Ts. Mashanim Mahazir Lecturer 1. M.Sc. Construction Management, UTM.
2. Bachelor (Hons) Technology Management, UUM.
3. Professional Technologist, MBOT
4. Quantity Surveying Technologist, BQSM Graduate Member
Construction Management, Building Information Modelling, Construction Financial Management, Construction Technology
6 Noor Hidayah Binti Elmi Lecturer 1. Master Project Management, OUM
2. Bachelor of Science (Housing, Building and Planning) (Honors) (Quantity Surveying), USM
3. Provisional Quantity Surveyor - Board of Quantity Surveyor Malaysia (BQSM)
4. Graduate Member QS Division - Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM)
Construction economics, Measurement for building works, Estimating and costing for building works
7 Mohd Farhan bin Mohd Nasir  Lecturer 1. MSc In Integrated Construction Project Management, UiTM
2. BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying, UiTM
3. Provisional Quantity Surveyor, BQSM
4. Graduate Member QS Division, RISM
Construction Technology, Building Services, Construction Management, Measurement of Building Works