December 4, 2023


In a commitment to offer students distinctive experiences, the School of Communication & Creative Design (SoCCD) at SEGi orchestrated an enthralling traditional archery activity, drawing the participation of 19 enthusiastic students at the picturesque Akademi Wangsa. Nestled in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, the lush environs of Akademi Wangsa provided an idyllic setting for this...
Although each and every one of us has equal rights, we never had equal opportunities. People coming from poor families oftentimes lack the financial means to pursue a master’s degree, or even a diploma for that matter. The lack of qualification means they will lose out later in the corporate world, being overlooked by employers...
Film appreciation is an essential aspect of a Diploma in Mass Communication, and students often delve deep into the world of cinema to understand the intricacies of storytelling and the art of filmmaking. Recently, students in this programme had a unique opportunity for an outdoor class, where they embarked on a cinematic journey to appreciate...
全球农业领域正在经历一场深刻的变革,这是由技术进步、创新的工程实践以及第四次工业革命(IR4.0)的颠覆性力量共同推动的。 在这份报告中,我们进行了一场全面的探索,探讨了工程与物联网(IoT)和IR4...
