What Our Experts Say?

The Three O’s In Optometry

The term “optometry” derives from the Greek words “Opsis” and “Metron,” with “Opsis” signifying “view” and “metron” translating to “measure.” In essence, optometry pertains to the measurement of vision. According...

Shining Through Your Research Journey

As a seasoned academic, I have always believed in the power of knowledge exchange and the significance of fostering academic collaboration across international boundaries. Recently, I had the privilege of...

Addressing Common Challenges: Tackling Housekeeping Issues in the Hotel Industry

In the bustling world of the hospitality industry, a hotel’s reputation largely hinges on the experience it offers to guests. While numerous elements contribute to this experience, one of the...

CNC Machine: Man vs Machine  

Will the robots and machines replace our engineers? This cannot be true because we still need humans to do the thinking. However, the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is the future...

How IoT Revolutionises Student Life: Enhancing Daily Task Management

The Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly emerged as a transformative force in the digital age, with its applications extending far beyond industrial and commercial sectors. Among its numerous potential...

From Classroom to Career: The Power of Internship In Early Childhood Education

Internships are a powerful way to gain hands-on experience in the early childhood education industry here in Sarawak. I have been a part of the education world since I embarked...

Navigating the Research Journey: My Methodological Insights

Conducting research is a multifaceted task that demands precision and dedication. To ensure that research is both meaningful and valuable, we propose a framework that focuses on four fundamental principles:...

The Benefits of ART Towards Standard of Living in Sarawak: First in Southeast Asia

Sarawak recently introduced and launched one of its Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) vehicles, a hydrogen fuel cell bus, marking a pioneering step in Southeast Asia. This initiative underscores Sarawak’s commitment...

SEGi: The Birthplace of The Next Generation of Chefs

In the world of gastronomy, all chefs firmly stand by this motto: “TECHNIQUE IS KING!” You may possess the finest ingredients and a kitchen furnished with top-tier equipment, but if...

Educational Brochure as a Media to Enhance NILAM Reading Programme

The majority of Malaysian students still struggle to acquire reading abilities despite the fact that English has been a required subject since Preschool. The Malaysian Ministry of Education has launched...

Navigating the Shifting Currents of Malaysian Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities

The marketing landscape in Malaysia is in a state of flux, driven by a confluence of factors that have reshaped the way businesses approach their marketing strategies. This essay explores...

Revolutionising Dental Radiology: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various sectors, and healthcare is no exception. In the field of dentistry, AI is making significant strides, particularly in dental radiology. Dental radiology, encompassing...
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