SEGians visit Bali, Indonesia

On the 1st to 4th of April 2019, my classmates and I went on a trip to Bali, Indonesia with our lecturer Mr Robert Chia Peng Sun. The trip was actually planned in conjunction with the subject Fieldwork 2, where students are required to complete the assignment of the respective subject based on the trip.

On the 1st of April, we landed at Ngurah Rai International Airport around 2:00 p.m. We checked in to our hotel by 4 p.m. The hotel that we stayed in Bali was Hotel Neo Kuta Jelantik, which is located at the heart of Bali as Kuta is one of the main tourists’ spots in Bali. Kuta is full of shops, pubs, restaurants and not to forget the beautiful Kuta Beach which is just 5 min away from the hotel we stayed in. Our schedule was free and easy on the first day, so we just walked around the Kuta area, bought souvenirs, checked out the shops, and returned to the hotel by 10:00 p.m. On the 2nd of April, our second day in Bali, the person in charge of transportation came and picked us up at around ten in the morning. He also was very helpful in bringing us around to important tourist destinations in Bali, such as the UC Silver Sukawati, Jewellery Art Centre, Goa Gajah and Tegallang Rice Terrace. At the UC Silver Jewellery Centre, we got the chance to see the workers making jewels out of silver; then, later, we were brought to the shop where they sell the jewels. After that, we went to Goa Gajah, the ancient temple with God Ganesha and God Shiva’s statues built back in the old times. We walked around the temple, experienced how peaceful it is, took nice pictures and then returned to our van. Next, we headed to a restaurant and had our lunch. Around 3:00 p.m, we left the place and headed to Tegallang Rice Terrace and had so much fun there. We got to walk around the whole rice terrace, which was brilliantly created and also many of us played the swing, which was fun and exciting. The price to play the swing was around 200k IDR for each person, but it was totally worth it. Then, we left the place around 5 p.m and headed back to the hotel. After a long day, everyone stayed in their rooms, took a good rest, and got ready for the next day.

Our third day was an absolute beach day, where first we headed to Tanjung Benuo Bali to experience the watersports. There were plenty of beach sports available such as a banana boat, para-sailing and much more. After two hours of spending quality-fun time in Tanjung Benuo, we headed to the next beach known as Pandawa Beach. Pandawa Beach is a well-maintained beach, rich with ancient Hindu statues, such as Arjuna, Bheema and other characters from the great Hindu tale “Mahabharatam”. These statues were well sculptured on the big rocks, and we got to see them on our way down to Pandawa Beach’s shore. We spent nearly three hours at the beach, having fun, swimming and then left the place for Lunch. After lunch, we headed to Uluwatu Temple, which was our last destination for the day. We walked around the temple, teased by the monkeys, where the monkeys tried to snatch our phones and sunglasses, but thankfully the people-in-charge saved us from them and then stayed at the temple till sunset. The temple is located at the tip of a hill, which is partially surrounded by a beach. It was so pleasant to watch the sunset by the ocean, with the sound of the waves, from the tip of a hill. Some of us watched the traditional dance show while others stayed in the temple to watch the sunset. Later, we headed back to our hotel, and we were free to do what we want at night. Some of us went out to experience the nightlife in Bali, while others stayed back in the hotel and had a good rest.

On the last day, we gathered in the hotel lobby at 12:00 p.m; to check out and left for the airport. Around 6:30 p.m, we arrived in KLIA 2, settled all the immigration procedures and returned to SEGi Tower by the SEGi shuttle bus. It was a great trip as a whole, and we had a great learning experience in Bali. 

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