Lee Xin Yee, a dedicated and ambitious fourth-year BDS student, took a significant leap in the realm of dental research at the 2023 SEGI-IAOMP Symposium. Her presentation, titled “Sunflower Seed-Induced...
In the bustling heart of SEGi University, amidst the chatter of students and the scent of freshly baked goods, a group of passionate souls from the Official Foundation Friends Club...
As the world becomes increasingly borderless, people from diverse nationalities will find it easier to interact, physically or virtually. Hence graduates need to be better prepared to navigate the multitude...
The competition, held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) from 19th to 22nd September 2023, attracted a staggering 1200 participants and 100 professional judges hailing from various corners of...
Cooking competitions at SEGi are more than just culinary showdowns; they’re transformative experiences shaping the future of aspiring chefs. On 24 June 2023, the School of Hospitality Management, in collaboration...
The engineering industry stands as one of the pillars of human progress, shaping the world we live in through infrastructure, technology, and innovation. Central to this industry’s evolution is the...
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is the most noteworthy expert degree accessible in this field. It is planned for prepared business practitioners who need...
Mass communication, often misunderstood as a limited field, holds the key to a wide array of career opportunities that extend far beyond the traditional realms of broadcasting and journalism. While...
In an era marked by technological advancements and an ever-growing demand for accessible education, online learning has emerged as a vital tool in bridging educational gaps and extending opportunities to...
In the dynamic realm of technology, where scientific discoveries are driven by mountains of data, the fusion of biology and computational science, has given birth to bioinformatics. This field utilises...
This meeting of minds was more than just a lunch; it was a celebration of achievements, a testament to the collective power of women, and a reminder that the world...