Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT) is one of the several professions listed under the allied health science (AHS) group. This profession is not well known among the general public because many of the tasks performed are done behind the scene, unlike the Nurses and Medical Assistant profession. Medical Laboratory Technologist is the backbone of the medical laboratory service as the MLT’s are involved at all levels of the laboratory services from the pre-clinical, clinical right up to the post clinical stage. Medical Laboratory Technologist is an AHS professional who is involved in the process of diagnosing for treatment, rehabilitation and prevention through clinical laboratory tests.
MLT’s main function is to run diagnostic tests in the laboratories of hospitals and health clinics to produce test results to help doctors make a diagnosis of a disease. This diagnostic test is conducted on a wide variety of specimens such as blood, urine, body fluids, feces (stool) and tissue samples, depending on the type of test that will be performed. MLTs are responsible for ensuring the suitability of the specimens obtained from patients for the test that is to be performed and the accurate results is given at the fastest possible time the medical officer to ensure effective treatment.
The programme includes a 28-week Medical Laboratory Placement in Year 3.
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