Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours

ID Kursus
Universiti SEGi
Peringkat Pengajian
Ijazah Sarjana Muda

SEGi University proudly presents the Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours, a programme meticulously designed for the next generation of engineers. This course stands at the crossroads of innovation and tradition, preparing students to thrive in industries from oil and gas to sustainable energy management.

SEGi offers a curriculum that is both globally recognised and richly infused with real-world applications. Students engage in a learning journey that spans from mastering the complexities of mass and energy balances to the nuances of process and plant design.

Key selling points of this programme include its robust alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, particularly focusing on SDG 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13. The course also guarantees comprehensive exposure to industrial and IR4.0-driven projects, with mentorship from external industry professionals.

Accredited by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), this programme promises not just an education but a launchpad for lifelong learning and success in the dynamic field of chemical engineering.

Dapatkan maklumat lanjut dengan memuat turun risalah atau memohon di bawah!

Syarat kemasukan

Nota: Natural Sciences subjects are Physics, Biology or Chemistry. Chemistry will be given preference.

Lulus STPM dengan 2 kelulusan utama termasuk Matematik dan satu subjek Sains Asli yang berkaitan
Lulus dalam A-Level dengan 2 pas utama termasuk Matematik dan satu subjek Sains Semula Jadi yang berkaitan
Pass in any Diploma in Engineering, Science or Technology or other relevant field with minimum of CGPA 2.0 from higher education institute recognised by the Malaysian Government
Pass in Foundation Studies in Sciences or Engineering with CGPA 2.0 and Pass in Mathematics & one relevant Natural Science subject
Lulus dalam UEC dengan 5 B (mesti termasuk Matematik dan satu subjek Sains Asli yang berkaitan)
Pass in South Australian Matriculation (SAM), (60% including Mathematics & one relevant Natural Science subject)
Pass in Canadian Pre-University Studies (CPU), 60% overall including Advanced Functions, Calculus & Vector and Physics or Chemistry or Biology
Lulus Matrikulasi, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dengan sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.0
Pass in Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE) with Grade C in 3 subjects including Mathematics & Physics or Chemistry or Biology
Pass in New South Wales Higher Certificate (with ATAR 70) and Grade C in 3 subjects including Mathematics & Physics or Chemistry or Biology
Pass in Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) and Grade C including Mathematics & Physics or Chemistry or Biology
Pass in South Australia Certificate of Education (SACE) and Grade C in 3 subjects including Mathematics & Physics or Chemistry or Biology
Pass in Ontario Secondary School Diploma, 60% over all in 3 subjects including Advanced Functions, Calculus & Vector and Physics or Chemistry or Biology
Pass in International Baccalaureate, with score 24/45 including 5/7 in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry or Biology
Pass in Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) at least 65% in Mathematics & one relevant Natural Science subject
Kelayakan lain yang setaraf dengannya yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan Malaysia

Untuk pelajar antarabangsa:
TOEFL dengan skor minimum 500 atau IELTS dengan skor minimum 5.0.

Struktur program dan modul

Tahun 1

Mass and Energy Balances
Physical and Organic Chemistry
Matematik Kejuruteraan I
Lukisan Kejuruteraan
Material Science
Chemical Engineering Laboratory I
Mekanik Bendalir
Strength of Materials
Matematik Kejuruteraan II
Project Year I
Chemical Engineering Laboratory II

Tahun 2

Heat and Mass Transfer
Separation Processes I
Analisis Pengiraan dan Berangka
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
Electrical Technology
Chemical Engineering Laboratory III
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Particle Technology
Separation Processes II
Engineering statistics
Jurutera dan Masyarakat
Chemical Engineering Laboratory IV
Project Year II

Tahun 3

Process Control and Instrumentation
Separation Processes III
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Pengurusan dan Teknologi Alam Sekitar
Chemical Engineering Laboratory V
Biochemical Engineering Principle
Chemical Process Safety
Project Management and Economics
Analisis Pengiraan dan Berangka
Project Year III
Latihan Industri (12 minggu)

Tahun 4

Process and Plant Design
Transport Phenomena
Design Project I
Metodologi Penyelidikan
Fuel and Energy Utilization
Projek Penyelidikan
Design Project II
Safety and Risk Analysis
Water and Wastewater Engineering (Elective)
Bio-separation: Recovery Processes (Elective)
Solid Waste Engineering (Elective)
Bioreactor Engineering Design (Elective)

Matapelajaran Umum (MPU)

Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban (Tempatan)
Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2 (Antarabangsa)
Falsafah dan Isu Semasa
Mendengar Berkesan
Bahasa Kebangsaan A (Untuk Pelajar Tempatan Tanpa Kepujian dalam BM dalam SPM)
Pengurusan Kesihatan Diri
Pengurusan Ko-kurikulum

Peluang kerjaya

As Chemical Engineers, career opportunities in includes: Process engineer, Chemical and allied products, environmental engineering, contracting, oil and gas, consultancy, energy, water, materials, and design.

Maklumat mengenai Akreditasi

Tarikh Pengambilan & Orientasi

Mod Sepenuh Masa
Ijazah MC Pengambilan
Tarikh Orientasi
  Ijazah Pengambilan
Tarikh Orientasi