September 23, 2022


SEGi University & Colleges hosted University of Central Lancashire’s Dean for his two-day visit to SEGi University. The University of Central Lancashire’s (UCLan) Dean of Business, Prof. Robin Carey visit is to strengthen the relationship between both universities further. Robin met and greeted with SEGi’s senior management, vice chancellor, and deputy vice-chancellor before he headed...
Kolej & Universiti SEGi telah menyambut mesra kedatangan Dekan University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) dalam lawatan selama dua hari beliau ke Universiti SEGi. Lawatan Dekan Perniagaan UCLan,  Prof. Robin Carey adalah bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan  lagi hubungan antara kedua-dua universiti. Beliau telah bertemu dan bersalaman dengan bahagian pengurusan kanan SEGi, naib canselor dan timbalan naib canselor...
JOB-HUNTING is like a game of chance – the lucky ones can easily secure a job upon graduation while others struggle with unemployment for months. This has resulted in many job seekers settling for a lower salary or seeking employment outside their field of study. At the same time, the current workforce finds themselves at...
