January 5, 2022


近年來,美國史丹福大學的專家團隊每年都會發布世界前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World Top 2% Scientists),這個榜單是根據論文影響力的數據來做分析,意味著入榜的科學家,他們發表的論文都 具...
SEGi University congratulates our Year 4 dental student Jane Ong Jia Huay for winning the Youth Innovator Challenge 2021 as champion with her “Pokit” innovation. The Youth Innovator Challenge (YIC) was organised by social commerce platform MeCan Trade and supported by GenYouth. It has the purpose of empowering and encouraging university and college students to...
Universiti SEGi mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada pelajar pergigian Tahun 4 Jane Ong Jia Huay kerana berjaya menjuarai Cabaran Inovator Belia 2021 dengan inovasi “Pokit” beliau. Cabaran Inovator Belia (YIC) telah dianjurkan oleh platform perdagangan sosial MeCan Trade dan disokong oleh GenYouth. Ia bertujuan untuk memperkasa dan menggalakkan pelajar universiti dan kolej untuk menyelesaikan masalah global...
The global COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted numerous unpleasant situations in the life of humankind and continued to dominate the way things are done daily. Although more than 70% of Malaysians have been vaccinated and are currently transitioning into the endemic phase, the stigma that COVID-19 may never be over and the fear of other variants...
