In a bid to enrich their understanding of healthcare practices and broaden their horizons, a group of SEGi University’s Faculty of Pharmacy students embarked on an enlightening visit to the...
In an endeavor to foster a symbiotic relationship between hospitality and tourism institutions and industry professionals, Marriott International Malaysia hosted the much-anticipated “Talent Day 2023.” This remarkable event aimed to...
SEGi University is excited to announce its latest collaboration with Mega Films Distribution (MFD), a renowned movie distributor and fully integrated movie entertainment company. MFD is a key player in...
Realme and the Outreach & Partnership office recently organized an exciting team-building event for the SEGi x Realme Ambassadors. The event, held at Holistay Forest Villa in Ulu Yam, aimed...
SEGi’s collaboration with private hospitals is revolutionising nursing education and shaping the future of healthcare. By forging partnerships with esteemed healthcare institutions, SEGi gains access to cutting-edge facilities, advanced medical...
On 2 December 2023, SEGi’s Education Department organised a groundbreaking event titled “Empowering Early Years Educators: Keeping Children Safe from Harm.” This event, held at Level 6, Theatre Hall, SEGi’s...
The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SOHTM) at SEGi embarked on an exciting educational field trip to the renowned Red Q, Capital A – Home of the All-Stars, better...
SEGi‘s School of MPU recently organised a remarkable fundraising event titled “Give A Paw, A Change of Life” to support the noble cause of animal rescue. Recognising the financial challenges...
From the 9th to the 12th of October 2023, the World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur buzzed with intellectual fervor as it hosted the 7th Congress of the Asia Association...
In a heartwarming and momentous occasion, the Faculty of Dentistry at SEGi University hosted the Dean’s List and Pre-Convocation Ceremony for the Batch 2018-2023. This event, scheduled for the 10th...
On the 27th of September, 2023, at 2:30 pm, the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & Information Technology (FOEBEIT) at SEGi University hosted an enlightening event, the “IEM Membership Talk.”...
The 11th Malaysian Dental Student Association Annual General Meeting (MDSA AGM) in 2023 was a significant event for dental students nationwide. Led by Georginia George Pereira, a dedicated BDS Year...