What Our Experts Say


The inaugural TechieMedia Conference 2023 held at SEGi College Sarawak marked a significant milestone, providing a platform for students to exhibit their creative works, projects, and final-year research. Held under the theme of “Innovation” aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9) that emphasises the creation of resilient infrastructure and fostering sustainable...
Tourist plays a pivotal role in the global economy, connecting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Yet, when tourists engage in inappropriate or disrespectful behaviour, it can have far-reaching social consequences on the local communities they visit. A recent viral news featuring photographs of a woman strolling through Kota Kinabalu in a bikini, with her massive...
Globalisation has raised the risk of financial crimes, which seriously threaten enterprises’ commercial operations. Consequently, the requirement to reduce risk using all available methods has also increased. Money laundering is a global issue that financial institutions, especially those in the banking sector, are becoming increasingly concerned about because it can undermine them and expose them...
The construction industry in some regional countries or economies such as Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong has seen major upheavals in civil and structural engineering design and construction practices over the last 15 years. The reason is that these Commonwealth economies had used British Standards (BS) for structural design since the British colonial days up...
The Sarawak Government has a highly aggressive ambition in terms of digital transformation to develop Sarawak’s e-commerce business. Especially in Kuching, we will see a significant increase in the adoption of Sarawak Pay as the federal and state governments work to encourage a paperless and digital society. The extensive internet connectivity, particularly in urban regions,...
In a world where information is at our fingertips and technology has revolutionised how we communicate and access knowledge, it is perplexing to witness the rise of a new trend – aliteracy. While we are familiar with the concepts of illiteracy and literacy, aliteracy represents a different challenge altogether. It refers to individuals who possess...
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting everyone super excited. Many are imagining how AI will be able to assist or even simplify their everyday activities. Computer scientists all around the World are racing to produce the best algorithm to aid humans in their daily chores. It was eye-opening when China held the recent...
AI and Turnitin are two technologies that can combat plagiarism in education. AI, or artificial intelligence, is a form of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that helps educators to identify and prevent plagiarism in student work. AI can be used to improve...
The Faculty of Pharmacy at SEGi University had gathered on 26 September 2023 for the 11th annual Pledge of Professionalism ceremony, and I found myself reflecting on the significance of this event. This ceremony, which symbolises the commencement of a new chapter for our incoming pharmacy students, is more than a mere tradition; it’s a...
In contemporary society, mental health issues are increasingly prevalent, particularly among college students. The diagnosis of various disorders, including anxiety and depression, is on the rise, as reported by The Star (2021). Consequently, counselling services within colleges must cultivate an environment that is not only welcoming and safe but also confidential, allowing students to address...
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