In the pursuit of excellence, dedication, determination, and the ability to balance multiple responsibilities become guiding stars. This narrative unfolds the inspiring journey of Tan Khye Shen, a former student of SEGi, whose remarkable odyssey from a Diploma in Information Technology (DIIT) scholar to a Bachelor graduate with First Class Honours, and now a thriving...
In a momentous virtual event hosted by the International Internship University (IIU) on 5th September 2023, Dr. Bennete Fernandes was bestowed with the prestigious “Global Academic Excellence Award 2023.” Organised by the International Confederation of Worldwide Principals (ICWP), an arm of IIU, this recognition highlighted Dr. Fernandes’ outstanding contributions to the field of education. This...
Datin Dr Ng Soo Boon, a distinguished representative of FOELPM, played a pivotal role during this four-day event. With unwavering commitment and expertise, she represented both IBE Consultants and FELPS, embodying the spirit of collaborative learning and innovative teaching methodologies. Her participation was not just a representation; it was an embodiment of achievement, a testament...
It is said that becoming a doctor is the surest, swiftest way to achieve financial success. However, many people are unaware of the heavy demands required to truly excel in this coveted profession. Long working hours, diverse cases from all walks of life, and the challenge of maintaining teamwork in the face of adversity. These...
The conference, spanning from 30th September to 2nd October 2023, became a crucible of learning and networking. For these budding scholars, the experience transcended the ordinary. Engaging with a multitude of perspectives broadened their intellectual horizons, ushering in a wave of fresh ideas for their ongoing research pursuits. More than just a confluence of minds,...
As a seasoned academic, I have always believed in the power of knowledge exchange and the significance of fostering academic collaboration across international boundaries. Recently, I had the privilege of conducting research workshops at two distinguished universities in China: Yunan Business and Industry University and Henan Polytechnic University. These experiences were not only enlightening but...
In the bustling world of the hospitality industry, a hotel’s reputation largely hinges on the experience it offers to guests. While numerous elements contribute to this experience, one of the most critical is housekeeping. Cleanliness and order are non-negotiable in the hotel industry, and a misstep in this department can have a significant impact on...
Will the robots and machines replace our engineers? This cannot be true because we still need humans to do the thinking. However, the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is the future of the machining industry. Previously, the subtractive manufacturing operation was done using conventional machining, such as conventional milling and lathe machines. Conventional machining will require...
Amirah embarked on her educational odyssey with the HEI School Diploma program, captivated by its innovative approach and comprehensive curriculum. As the first batch, she bore witness to the unique features that set this program apart. Its diverse range of modules, spanning ten essential topics for educators, illuminated the path to a well-rounded education. What...
The Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly emerged as a transformative force in the digital age, with its applications extending far beyond industrial and commercial sectors. Among its numerous potential benefits, one of the most promising is its capacity to revolutionise the way students manage their daily tasks. By interconnecting everyday objects, devices, and systems,...