SEGi University is excited to announce its latest collaboration with Mega Films Distribution (MFD), a renowned movie distributor and fully integrated movie entertainment company. MFD is a key player in the distribution, licensing, acquisition, and marketing of movies in various languages, and this partnership promises an exciting cinematic journey for SEGi students. The Memorandum of...
Realme and the Outreach & Partnership office recently organized an exciting team-building event for the SEGi x Realme Ambassadors. The event, held at Holistay Forest Villa in Ulu Yam, aimed to enhance team cohesion, communication, and overall effectiveness. The two-day, one-night program immersed the ambassadors in outdoor adventures and featured various activities. Simulation games tested...
The crowning achievement came in the form of the Best Paper award, a testament to the remarkable work of the authors: Christy Tong Hoey Chin, Gurnam Kaur Sidhu, and Wang Ruoyu from SEGi University. Their groundbreaking case study, titled “Perspectives of Visible Learning for Quality Learning Environment: A Case Study,” garnered significant attention and acclaim...
The online forum, a brainchild of SEGi’s DECE students and the DECE club, aimed at promoting vital partnerships between schools, families, and community members. With 63 online participants, including parents, DECE students, and community members, the event was a testament to SEGi’s ability to bring diverse stakeholders together for a common cause: enhancing child health...
SEGi’s collaboration with private hospitals is revolutionising nursing education and shaping the future of healthcare. By forging partnerships with esteemed healthcare institutions, SEGi gains access to cutting-edge facilities, advanced medical technologies, and experienced professionals, bridging the gap between theory and practice in the nursing profession. This collaboration offers nursing students invaluable hands-on experiences, the opportunity...
SEGi stands out as a trailblazer in preparing students for the competitive job market by integrating vital skills such as statistical data analysis into its academic curriculum. Recognising the paramount importance of proficiency in IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), the institution ensures that students are well-versed in this versatile software, extending their...
Sponsored by Japan Airlines and supported by the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia, the event was a tribute to the 50th ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation anniversary, organized by the Japan Foundation (JF). This concert served as a testament to the enduring partnership between ASEAN nations and Japan, embodying a shared commitment to regional harmony and...
This remarkable achievement not only underscores the dedication and expertise of SEGi University’s pharmacy alumni but also reflects the institution’s commitment to nurturing talent and fostering excellence in the field of pharmacy. Under the guidance of Tan Kien Sin, whose mentorship played a pivotal role in shaping these research endeavors, SEGi University continues to uphold...
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting everyone super excited. Many are imagining how AI will be able to assist or even simplify their everyday activities. Computer scientists all around the World are racing to produce the best algorithm to aid humans in their daily chores. It was eye-opening when China held the recent...
AI and Turnitin are two technologies that can combat plagiarism in education. AI, or artificial intelligence, is a form of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that helps educators to identify and prevent plagiarism in student work. AI can be used to improve...