

JOB-HUNTING is like a game of chance – the lucky ones can easily secure a job upon graduation while others struggle with unemployment for months. This has resulted in many job seekers settling for a lower salary or seeking employment outside their field of study. At the same time, the current workforce finds themselves at...
SEGi College Subang Jaya offers work-based learning (WBL) in collaboration with our industry partners. Work-based learning is when students go to companies to learn and practise software skills from company-assigned coaches. The respective coaches will provide advice and guide students on their coursework under their individual company’s supervision to ensure that the students’ work is...
SEGi College Kuala Lumpur recently conducted the SEGi Merdeka Shoutout 2022 in an effort to create a sense of patriotic solidarity in celebration of our 65th year of Independence and Keluarga Malaysia.  As educators, we firmly believe that our future generations should be sensitive to and care about the perspectives of all Malaysian citizens regardless of...
SEGi College Sarawak has established an E-sports Club to encourage e-sportsmanship among our students, create awareness of the importance of balancing their mental and emotional well-being with their academic performances, and provide a safe and fun platform for these beneficial activities on campus. SEGi acknowledges the importance of mental and physical well-being for effectively managing...
SEGi University & Colleges has welcomed a group of students from FTMS College, which had recently closed down. The sudden closure of the college meant many of its students were left campus-less to complete their studies, particularly those in their final year. “It is most unfortunate to hear the troubling situation of the FTMS students,...
DENTISTRY is one of the oldest professions, and dental health is essential to overall general health.   With changing lifestyles, dental problems are becoming very common in all sections of society. Qualified dental practitioners are crucial in ensuring that the nation has strong oral wellbeing, which is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and countenance.   However,...
SEGi College Penang held a fun activity on 9 September 2022 called “Talking to the Moon”, in conjunction with the Mooncake Festival, organised by the Student Representative Council (SRC) Club and the School of Hospitality. Read full article: https://colleges.segi.edu.my/penang/segi-college-penang-organises-mooncake-festival-activities/
SEGi College Penang recently hosted a webinar on Career Prospects in Occupational Safety and Health after SPM, conducted by Madam Tun Noraihan from our School of Allied Health Sciences. The objective of this session was to educate Malaysian school-leavers on prospects in the Occupational Safety and Health field. All industries encounter some safety hazards. The...
English is the primary language in every single domain imaginable, and it is unarguably the most important language in the world. In Malaysia, English is more than a language. It is a talent and a tool that carries the necessary sensible and sensitive connotations and attitudes to make the most of life. At SEGi College,...
For university graduates, Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry are highly competitive industries. The long queue for training placements, potential unemployment during the wait and upon the end of their training contract due to late entry into the job market, etc. On 18 August, the Ministry of Health (MoH) announced the approval of 4,053 applications for permanent...
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