

Albert Einstein once said: “Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.” Thus, where to search for creativity? Here in SEGi College Penang,  a teaching prop competition, ‘Trust Your Creativity in the Prop,’ was held on 30 November 2022. The competition provides a platform for the Early Year practitioners...
Thanksgiving is the prime day for giving thanks, and it is a great day to be spent with family, friends, and of course, food. Joanne Low May Ying, Assistant Manager of Sales and the Student Representative Council of SEGi College Penang, organised SEGi College Penang Thanksgiving lunch on 30 November 2022 at SEGi SPACE. The...
Extracurricular activities also play important roles in offering opportunities for students to learn the values of teamwork, individual and group responsibility, physical strength, competition, diversity, and a sense of culture and community. With this concept, a group of students from SEGi College Sarawak’s Allied Health Club organised the SEGi Badminton Championship on the12 November 2022...
A former Member of the National Assembly Alan Ling is no stranger to Sarawakians. Ling the Secretary of Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Sarawak Pakatan Harapan (PH). He played an active role in representing the interests of Sarawakians. Ling who always wanted to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) has finally achieved his...
What is fashion? It can be defined in many ways based on own experiences and expectations. Here, we encouraged the children to show their talent through a runway fashion show! On 26 November 2022, Early Childhood Education Club from SEGi College Penang, organised “Kidz Fashion Show” for 4 to 6 years old children from various...
On 11 and 12 November 2022, two groups of students from Allied Health programmes organised the SEGi College Sarawak Carnival Day, where they conducted basic health screening tests for the staff, students and the public. The health screening tests included ABO grouping and blood glucose tests. On top of that, an “Anatomical Maze” counter was...
In SEGI College’s Engineering programmes, we aim to foster a deep, solid, and lasting understanding of engineering principles as well as the qualities and abilities required for effective engineering inquiry. Engineering lecturers are well aware that even when they explain concepts slowly and clearly, sometimes students fail to grasp the intended meaning. The foundation of...
School of MPU & Language has recently organised a virtual event called “Art through A New Lens”. The event, open to the public, was to promote awareness among the public and minimise the stigma associated with mental health. It was also aimed at educating the public on how to express themselves through art. Through conversation,...
SEGi College Sarawak’s Diploma in Healthcare students organised a Health Activity Day on 18 October 2022 to foster a healthy lifestyle through exercise, and this involved an aerobics activity and a 6000-step walkathon. Twenty-eight students participated. In the walkathon, the participants were required to walk from SEGi Sarawak’s main campus to the Sarawak Waterfront, an...
A group of students from SEGi College Penang’s School of Business organised a community service event titled “Good Lifestyle, Keep Obesity Away” – to create awareness of the risk of obesity and to share with participants some of the methods to prevent obesity. The webinar was organised on 19th October 2022 from 8.00 pm to...
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