

At this year’s Valentine’s Day event, seven SOCAD students from SEGi KL gained valuable video production experience. The annual event features students, lecturers, and staff presenting their interpretations of the holiday on stage. The SOCAD students used the opportunity to show their short video, “Alaaa Din,” a humorous adaptation of Aladdin’s story. Students learned the...
SEGi College KL’s Certificate in Information Technology programme recently organised an exciting and hands-on class activity, “Assemble and Disassemble Computer”, for their PC Maintenance module. The activity was designed to teach students about computer hardware, software, networking, and the assembly and disassembly process. The two sessions were a huge success, with all students completing the...
Students pursuing a Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health (DIOSH) at SEGi College Sarawak conducted a practical Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control (HIRARC) assessment on campus. The exercise’s goal was to provide students with the skills needed to identify potential hazards, assess the level of risk associated with them, and suggest acceptable control...
On 23 February 2023, SEGi College Kuala Lumpur’s School of Computing and Information Technology (SOCIT) hosted a Microsoft Word poster design competition. The competition aimed to encourage students to use their creativity, knowledge, and Microsoft Word skills. The competition required students to create a poster using Microsoft Word in three hours. The event featured eight students from...
SEGi University proudly welcomes 55 talented IT students from Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang (UNSIKA), Indonesia. This vibrant exchange is part of SEGi’s dynamic Student Mobility Programmes, setting the stage for a transformative semester filled with academic growth, cultural immersion, and collaborative environmental projects. SEGi’s innovative Student Mobility Programmes go beyond the conventional, offering a diverse array...
SEGi College Kuala Lumpur proudly hosted the silver chariot procession as part of the Thaipusam Celebration. Thaipusam is Malaysia’s second-largest Hindu festival, held on the first full moon day of the Tamil month of Thai. The college’s staff, family members, and students generously contributed to the event by offering various food and drinks for all...
SEGi recently welcomed a group of 83 talented engineering students from the esteemed University of Sanya as part of its Student Mobility Programme. This collaboration not only enables these students to study at SEGi for a semester but also facilitates knowledge-sharing and cultural exchange between the two institutions. SEGi’s Student Mobility Programmes are designed to...
The School of Communication & Creative Design (SOCAD) at SEGi College Kuala Lumpur recently hosted a potluck event that brought lecturers and students together for a fun-filled and memorable afternoon. The event, attended by 18 students from the School of Communication and Creative Design, had several goals, including holding the school’s annual meeting, forming a...
Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Microbiology, Medical Parasitology, Hematology, Immunohematology, Cytology, Histopathology, and other disciplines are studied in medical laboratory technology. Rats are important in some of these areas because their physiology and genetic makeup are so similar to humans’. While human and rat biology differ, the similarities provide students with a powerful and versatile mammalian system...
By S. Rishikumar SEGi College Kuala Lumpur recently held a Ponggal celebration on campus in order to promote unity and cultural respect among its varied student community. The three-day holiday, which is celebrated by Indians all over the world, is named after a sweet rice dish and represents giving thanks to mother nature and the...
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