Computer Science & Information Systems


In today’s interconnected world, the lecturers from the Department of Information Technology (IT) within the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & IT (FoEBEIT) at SEGi University have discovered the immense value of acquiring new languages. It is not merely a skill but a pathway to personal growth and professional development. The lecturers’ journey into the...
On 3 August 2023, SEGi’s School of Computing and Information Technology (SOCIT) orchestrated a comprehensive workshop on computer networking. The four-hour immersive session unfolded on the campus premises, designed to offer participants hands-on experience and invaluable insights into computer networking. Sathish Sarma, an esteemed IT lecturer at SEGi, facilitated the workshop.  This workshop delved deep...
Every success story begins with a single step, and for Cheng Jun Xiong, his journey from a Diploma in Information Technology (DIIT) student to a First-Class Honours Bachelor student, and now a remarkable Associate Consultant at Siemens Industry Software, is nothing short of inspiring. With dedication, determination, and a passion for learning, Cheng Jun Xiong’s...
The inaugural TechieMedia Conference 2023 held at SEGi College Sarawak marked a significant milestone, providing a platform for students to exhibit their creative works, projects, and final-year research. Held under the theme of “Innovation” aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9) that emphasises the creation of resilient infrastructure and fostering sustainable...
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting everyone super excited. Many are imagining how AI will be able to assist or even simplify their everyday activities. Computer scientists all around the World are racing to produce the best algorithm to aid humans in their daily chores. It was eye-opening when China held the recent...
AI and Turnitin are two technologies that can combat plagiarism in education. AI, or artificial intelligence, is a form of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that helps educators to identify and prevent plagiarism in student work. AI can be used to improve...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of technology, driving advancements that were once deemed unattainable. At its core, AI encompasses the ability of computers to perform tasks traditionally associated with intelligent beings. Within this vast domain lie two integral components: Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). Understanding the...
SEGi University proudly welcomes 55 talented IT students from Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang (UNSIKA), Indonesia. This vibrant exchange is part of SEGi’s dynamic Student Mobility Programmes, setting the stage for a transformative semester filled with academic growth, cultural immersion, and collaborative environmental projects. SEGi’s innovative Student Mobility Programmes go beyond the conventional, offering a diverse array...
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