Collaborations & Partnerships


SEGi University is delighted to announce the remarkable achievements of 31 of our students and 2 dedicated lecturers from the Faculty of Optometry & Vision Sciences who played a pivotal role in the recent Medical and Eye Screening Camp, organized in collaboration with Pusat Sathya Sai Baba Raub. This meaningful event took place at the...
In the vibrant tapestry of education, international collaborations often serve as pivotal moments, shaping the future of both students and institutions. On the 9th of October 2023, SEGi’s Faculty of Early Childhood Education and Psychology (FOELPM) achieved a milestone, heralding a new era in global education. Carolyn, Anna, Sathia, and Sindu, stalwarts of FOELPM, orchestrated...
分享会由《南洋商报》和马来西亚中华总商会(中总)联办,世纪大学协办,旨在邀请企业家代表走进本地大学校园分享成功经验,与大专生展开互动交流。另两位主讲人分别是和丽园集团(Austin Heights)总...
The campaign culminated in a physical main event held at the vibrant Upper Atrium, Level UG, Paradigm Mall. On the pivotal day of 20th May 2023, the venue buzzed with activity from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, echoing the spirit of hope and solidarity. Five insightful health talks, focusing on suicide prevention and drug use,...
One key highlight of the session was dispelling the misconception that automation and artificial intelligence might threaten the accounting profession. Siti Murni Amer emphatically clarified that this notion is far from the truth. In fact, with the advent of Industry 4.0 (IR4.0), the accounting industry is witnessing a surge in opportunities and evolving roles that...
The career talk and fair aimed to broaden participants’ horizons by introducing them to job opportunities they might not have previously considered. Distinguished speakers from various sectors shared their expertise, providing valuable insights into different career paths and the skills necessary to excel in each field.  Notable organisations like PERKESO, HeyRocket, DroneSkaki, Kayu Malam Production,...
Since its inception, the GTHC has succeeded in uniting diverse communities, offering a platform to celebrate and honor our cultural heritage. Through cultural performances, exhibitions, and interactive workshops, attendees gain a deeper appreciation for the traditions and customs of various cultures. This event fosters unity, respect, and a sense of shared humanity, emphasizing the importance...
DIMC students, poised at the threshold of their media careers, received a comprehensive view of the broadcasting sector that extended far beyond technical intricacies. They were enlightened about the multifaceted dimensions defining the industry’s contours through the insights of seasoned industry professionals. These experts not only outlined the expectations and fundamental prerequisites for success in...
The Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment at MAHSA University hosted the Engineering, Science & Technology Exhibition 2023 (ESTE’23) on August 16, 2023, marking a dynamic event. The central aim of this exhibition was to nurture and amplify students’ skills in research, design, and innovation, spanning diverse interdisciplinary fields within engineering, science, and technology. This...
SEGi is proud to extend its heartfelt congratulations to the winners of the YouTube Advertising Challenge, a remarkable showcase of students’ digital marketing prowess held on 31 July 2023. The event not only highlighted the students’ exceptional talents but also provided them with valuable practical experiences essential for their future careers. In the context of...
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