Business & Management Studies


SEGi’s Faculty of Business, Accounting, and Law (FoBAL) witnessed an extraordinary event that showcased the perfect blend of fun and business. The Elite Biz Club (EBC) organised the “Where Fun Meets Business: Fun Connection with Business Students” gathering, creating an unforgettable experience for students across various levels of the programme.  The event kicked off with...
Do you know that having good self-control can help you be successful in all areas of your life, such as your relationships, career, friendships, and even self-esteem? According to research by Duke University, people with good self-control reported higher satisfaction in their relationships and improved mental and physical health. They are also more well-respected by...
In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century, the traditional adage “work hard” has been complemented by the contemporary principle of “work smart.” While both working hard and working smart hold significant value, striking the optimal balance between the two has emerged as a crucial aptitude in today’s world. Work Hard For generations,...
SEGi conducted a groundbreaking qualitative research workshop where Dr. Sanmugam and Dr. Pradeep, esteemed faculty members from the School of Business at SEGi, spearheaded the session, aiming to empower early childhood educators with the tools and insights of qualitative research.  Early childhood educators play a pivotal role in shaping young minds, and the qualitative research...
The key characteristic of an MBA programme’s curriculum is its direct applicability to the duties and responsibilities that employers prize most in business managers and finance managers. Prospective Students Survey in 2021 found that 84% of candidates agreed or strongly agreed that a graduate business degree helps them stand out with their employers. While industries...
Students and novice researchers often inquire about my strong endorsement of Scopus databases and how Scopus indexing can benefit researchers, aiding them in their efforts to publish in high-impact journals. This support revolves around the concerted drive to enhance the quality and quantity of publications while simultaneously increasing the visibility of researchers and their affiliated...
SEGi University proudly honours Geoffrey Khaw, an accomplished MBA graduate of 2022, for his outstanding achievements in asset portfolio investment. Currently serving as the Managing Asset Portfolio Investor for a prominent private asset management firm in Malaysia, Geoffrey’s expertise lies in identifying and maximising diversified investment opportunities while effectively managing risk tolerance and optimising stakeholder...
The Sarawak Government has a highly aggressive ambition in terms of digital transformation to develop Sarawak’s e-commerce business. Especially in Kuching, we will see a significant increase in the adoption of Sarawak Pay as the federal and state governments work to encourage a paperless and digital society. The extensive internet connectivity, particularly in urban regions,...
Teaching is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding professions, driven by a deep desire to shape young minds and make a positive impact. However, amidst the demands of the classroom, it’s easy for educators to neglect their well-being. In this article, we delve into the importance of self-care for teachers and offer practical strategies to...
As we reflect on the budgetary landscape in Malaysia, it is vital to consider the backdrop of the preceding year. The economic climate of 2023 has set the stage for the Budget 2024, which was presented in Dewan Rakyat on 13 October 2023 by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. In this article, we will...
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