

SEGi砂拉越分校创意与多媒体系的学生,于近期参观了古晋婆罗洲会展中心,作为砂拉越设计周的部分形成。该设计周活动由砂拉越设计中心举办。 该展览于2023年2月13日至16日期间举行,展出本地和国际设计...
SEGi吉隆坡分校于近期举办了银色花车游行,作为欢庆大宝森节庆的其中一项活动。大宝森节是马来西亚第二大印度教节日,在淡米尔月历“泰月”的第一个满月日举行。 SEGi的职员与其家人,以及学生都慷慨地为所...
一批来自SEGi的工程、建筑环境和资讯科技学院的学生,于2023年2月16日在玛莎大学(MAHSA)举办的“2023年工程、科学与技术展览会(ESTE’23)”上取得了亮眼成功。 ESTE’23旨在让...
SEGi的牙科学院高级讲师,Erum Zain博士受邀到位于巴基斯坦的Bahria University演讲。 她向大约75名与会者发表了题为“光学相干断层扫描法,检测非空泡性早期裂隙龋”的演讲。 基...
作为马来西亚最大的私立高等教育机构之一,SEGi一直致力于改变其教育视野。   在过往的45年,SEGi推出了高质量兼可负担的学术课程,并涵盖了不同的教育程度,借此实现其品牌承诺——“您的潜...
AS one of Malaysia’s largest private higher education providers, SEGi University & Colleges has stayed committed to transforming its education landscape. In its 45 years of achieved excellence, SEGi has rolled out quality and affordable academic programmes across all education levels in line with its brand promise, ‘The Best In You, Made Possible’. Riding on...
SEGi College Sarawak recently welcomed thirty students of Kolej ITA who had their studies abruptly disrupted when the latter college was forced to close by court order in October 2022. Some of these students were already in their final year. Upon finding out their plight, Stella Lau, Managing Director of SEGi University and Colleges, quickly...
SEGi医学、护理与健康科学学院的Priscilla Das博士再下一城,在国际心理学研讨会上荣获最佳演讲者奖,为SEGi再添一笔荣耀。 该研讨会于2022年12月4日和5日,于柔佛的马来西亚理工大学...
SEGian Music Club of SEGi College Subang Jaya, supported by the Faculty of Education, Language, Psychology & Music of SEGi University, in collaboration with Persatuan Hearts Symphony organised a charity concert titled ‘Music for Education – Laugh Alerts: A Musical Laugh Therapy Concert for Stress Relief’. Approximately 180 to 200 children from Sunway Mentari Learning...
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