

世纪大学与学院将与大马谷歌(Google Malaysia)合作,为世纪学生提供了谷歌职业证书项目(Google Career Certification)共1,000个名额的奖学金。该线上课程开放予...
THERE is so much to medicine than just a science – it is complex, challenging and yet intriguing and unique. The world of medicine is vast, with diverse fields of study to specialize in for the betterment of the practitioner and the community. In its 45 years of excellence, SEGi University & Colleges has been...
SEGi’s Partner University, the University of Greenwich, were delighted and provided warm hospitality to SEGian Ivy Lim Han Qiu, who attended this year’s Global Greenwich Summer School. Ivy Lim arrived safely on 30 July 2022, Saturday. She then proceeded to the University of Greenwich accommodation – Cutty Sark hall and shared a flat with other...
世纪大学的Ivy Lim Han Qiu同学参与了今年度的格林威治国际暑期课程,并获得友好院校,英国格林威治大学的热烈接待。 Ivy Lim于2022年7月30日(周六)抵达,随后即到该校的宿舍——卡...
The SEGi-Whytehouse International Conference from 13 to 20 August 2022 was organised by SEGi University and Colleges in collaboration with WhyteHouse Education Group as part of an ongoing effort to inspire our community with ECCE best practices as we work together for quality ECCE services in the country. This free conference featured speakers from Malaysia,...
SEGi University Dentistry student Georgina George Pereira is the newly elected president of the Malaysian Dental Students’ Association (MDSA) for 2022/2023. The MDSA Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 24 July 2022 from 9 am to 5 pm at Auditorium A, SEGi University, Kota Damansara. The AGM aimed to renew the committee board with...
恭喜!世纪大学口腔医学系学生,Georgina George Pereira当选2022/2023年度马来西亚牙科学生协会(MDSA)主席。 马来西亚牙科学生协会年度大会于2022年7月24日,上午9...
IN a world that is constantly changing, believe it or not, engineers are the ones behind much of these changes. The majority of today’s products and services have been conceptualised using some elements of engineering, which subsequently contributed to the comfort and convenience of the people influenced by them. In the current technologically advanced era,...
SEGi University’s counsellors organised a group counselling series to help individuals discover their inner selves, allowing them to learn how to express their emotions and enable them to trust themselves. At the same time, they learnt how to set relationship boundaries and think in more constructive patterns by letting go of their emotional baggage. To...
世纪大学辅导员于近期组织了一系列的小组辅导活动,帮助人们探索内在自我,学习如何表达情绪,并建立自信。与此同时,参与者也学会了如何设定关系界限,放下情感包袱,以更具建设性的方式思考问题。 截至目前,我们...
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