

商业领域时刻在变。几乎每一天都有新的企业成立,为社会及世界提供创新的技术。企业对企业,以及企业对消费者的互动影响了市场趋势,而交易则推动着全球经济增长。 然而,自2019新冠疫情爆发以来,对我们所熟悉...
Learning and innovation go hand in hand, this spurred our academics to improve themselves continuously. Educators don’t just teach, they are learning too! At SEGi, we believe that whatever you do today can improve all your tomorrow. Recently, SEGi University & Colleges sent 12 applications for the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), and six of...
世纪大学电气与电子工程系高级讲师,Anis Fariza于2022年工程学院的“创新与发明挑战赛”(IICCE2022)上连中三元。 Anis的获奖发明为“可应用于全球定位系统(GPS)的圆极化可穿戴...
SEGi University’s Senior Lecturer in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ts Anis Fariza scored triple wins at the Innovation & Invention Challenge, College of Engineering 2022 (IICCE2022). Anis’s winning invention, ‘Circularly Polarised Wearable Textile Antenna for Global Positioning System (GPS) Application,’ is aimed to be implemented for on-body communication for wearable tracking applications by integrating the...
SEGi University collaborated with State Organisation Anak Istimewa Selangor (AnIS) to help people with disabilities (OKUs) who have learning disabilities. The higher-education provider opened its registration looking for youth with learning disabilities aged between 17 and 22. This initiative will help them to prepare for their future employment. Applicants must be students with special education...
世纪大学将与州政府组织,雪兰莪特殊儿童机构(AnIS)携手合作,帮助患有学习障碍的弱势人士。 该项援助计划已开放予年龄介于17至22岁,并患有学习障碍的特殊人士申请,旨在帮助他们做好就业准备。 申请人...
“KNOWLEDGE is power!” is a phrase that speaks volume for school-age individuals, and even to those working in the education sector.   For educators and academics, their roles do not stop at just disseminating knowledge they have gained to the students in the classroom.   In fact, they are still learning and expanding their horizons, which subsequently...
Dr Priscilla Das of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences has done us proud again! She won the Best Presenter and Best Paper awards at the SEGi International Conference of Business, Environment, Sustainability and Technology (SIBEST 2022) held on 10 August 2022. Dr Priscilla together with Prof Dr Rebecca Wong and Assoc Prof...
世纪大学医学、护理与健康科学学院的Priscilla Das博士,于2022年8月10日举行的2022年度世纪大学商业、环境、永续发展和科技国际会议(SIBEST)上,斩获了最佳发表人和最佳论文奖。 ...
SEGi University & Colleges and Google Malaysia are giving away 1,000 Google Career Certification Scholarships exclusively to SEGi students for online courses with a selection of six courses, from Information Technology (IT) and Business Programmes. The scholarship offers SEGi students the opportunity to acquire new expertise. Some courses include Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, UX Design...
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