Three SEGi lecturers who presented their papers at the WoS-indexed hybrid 10th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies (AiCE-Bs2022) came home with the Top Best Paper Award and two top ten prizes for the Best Paper Awards. The 38th international conference of the WoS-Indexed Hybrid AicE-Bs2022 was held at The Magellan Sutera Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia,...
Congratulations to the University of Sunderland for making it to the 50th position by The Guardian University Guide 2023. It is an improvement of 42 places, from the 92th position a year ago. The University of Sunderland has recently received many recognitions, including the University of the Year in the Times Higher Education Awards in...
Tahniah diucapkan kepada University of Sunderland kerana berjaya mendapat tempat ke-50 berbanding kedudukan ke-92 tahun lalu dalam Guardian University Guide 2023, satu pencapaian yang membanggakan! University of Sunderland juga menerima banyak pengiktirafan lain seperti Universiti Terbaik oleh Times Higher Education Awards pada tahun 2021 dan Universiti Terbaik dalam perangkuman sosial oleh The Times dan Sunday...
SEGi University & Colleges hosted University of Central Lancashire’s Dean for his two-day visit to SEGi University. The University of Central Lancashire’s (UCLan) Dean of Business, Prof. Robin Carey visit is to strengthen the relationship between both universities further. Robin met and greeted with SEGi’s senior management, vice chancellor, and deputy vice-chancellor before he headed...
Kolej & Universiti SEGi telah menyambut mesra kedatangan Dekan University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) dalam lawatan selama dua hari beliau ke Universiti SEGi. Lawatan Dekan Perniagaan UCLan, Prof. Robin Carey adalah bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan lagi hubungan antara kedua-dua universiti. Beliau telah bertemu dan bersalaman dengan bahagian pengurusan kanan SEGi, naib canselor dan timbalan naib canselor...
JOB-HUNTING is like a game of chance – the lucky ones can easily secure a job upon graduation while others struggle with unemployment for months. This has resulted in many job seekers settling for a lower salary or seeking employment outside their field of study. At the same time, the current workforce finds themselves at...
Pelajar Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Alam Bina, & Teknologi Maklumat (FOEBEIT) SEGi berjaya mendapat tempat keenam daripada 10 dalam Pertandingan Infografik Persidangan Kelestarian Minyak Sawit Antarabangsa (IPOSC) 2022. Pengajur persidangan, Majlis Minyak Sawit Malaysia (MPOC) telah menerima sebanyak 89 penyertaan membabitkan 192 pelajar daripada 38 jabatan oleh 30 buah universiti. Berdasarkan tema pertandingan, pasukan yang terdiri daripada...
SEGi College Penang’s Psychology Club recently conducted the Psychology Awareness Day to introduce students to psychology and its concepts, enhance their understanding of psychology, and inform them about areas not covered in the programme syllabus. The main objective of holding this event was to share the differences between Eastern and Western psychology. This was displayed...