

SEGi’s Confucius Institute and the Affiliated Kindergarten of the Weifang University of Shandong collaborated to launch the Chinese Calligraphy teaching for children’s and cultural inheritance project, which was successfully held on November 17, 2022, at Peter & Jane Kindergarten, Kuala Lumpur. The project explores the influences of Chinese character (calligraphy) teaching in preschool education and...
由马来西亚世纪大学孔子学院与山东潍坊学院附属幼儿园合作的幼儿书法教学与文化传承的开班仪式,于2022年11月17下午1:30分,在吉隆坡Peter & Jane 幼儿园顺利举办。本企划旨在探讨...
砂拉越学子好消息!SEGi砂拉越分校很荣幸成为州内首所设立电子竞技室的学院。该设施于2022年11月11日,由砂拉越电竞协会(SESA)主席Afiq Fadhli Narawi揭幕。 活动相片册:e-...
SEGi College Sarawak is proud to be the first college in Sarawak to invest in an Esport lab for students. This new facility on campus was officially launched by Afiq Fadhli Narawi, the President of the Sarawak Esport Association (SESA), on 11 November 2022. Photo Album: e-Sports Lab Launching The purpose of this Esport Lab is...
好消息!SEGi各校区的图书馆现已向公众开放,大家可以尽情使用里头资源,包括书籍、电子数据库、电子期刊和电子书等。 不管你是SEGi退休职员、校友、在籍学生家人,或是一般民众,只要申请成为我们的图书馆...
Good news! Now the public can access millions of books, e-databases, e-journals, and e-books available across all campuses nationwide as SEGi University & Colleges’ library is open to the public! This is open to all, the general public, retiree of SEGi University & Colleges, alumni of SEGi University & Colleges and SEGian family members. Anyone...
On 27 October 2022, SEGi College Sarawak welcomed two wealth planners from Prudential Malaysia, for a talk entitled Emotional Management organised by the Programme Leader for the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. The students who joined the session were from the Certificate in Science, the Diploma in Healthcare, and the Diploma in Medical Laboratory...
SEGi砂拉越分校的幼师会(Leo Club)于2022年10月29日,上午9点至下午12点期间在哥打圣淘沙(Kota Sentosa)举办了一场食物捐赠活动,以为防止虐待动物协会(SSPCA)筹集善...
好消息,SEGi酒店与旅游管理学院的学生现在可以到新加坡的酒店实习了! 新加坡境内拥有许多接受马来西亚实习生的高级酒店、餐厅、娱乐中心和俱乐部,因此,所有最后学年的学生受促申请。 至于为何要选择到新加...
The Leo Club of SEGi College Sarawak conducted a food-donation activity for the Sarawak Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA)  on 29 October 2022 9am to 12pm in Kota Sentosa. Twelve Leos and their Faculty Advisor, Lion Vincent Cheong, joined the activity. The objective of this project was to cultivate the Leos’ love...
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