

户外学习活动透过展示课程内容,可提升学习成效。另外,户外呈现也能让学生们练习沟通和人际交往技巧。 秉持这个理念,血液学1课程的讲师Candy Chong决定让参加学生们在SEGi砂拉越分校的大厅上,进...
Taking a class outside of the classroom can enhance the learning outcomes of any course by showcasing course content as it exists in the world. The same goes for the presentation outside the classroom, in which the communication and interpersonal skills of the students can be enhanced. With this concept, Candy Chong, the lecturer for...
来自SEGi酒店与旅游管理学院(SoHTM)的学生,于2022年10月2日帮忙筹办了Charity Jam Session 2022(CJS)。 CJS 2022由马来西亚酒店协会(MAH)、食品援助...
On 2 October 2022, SEGi University & Colleges’ School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SoHTM) students took part as helpers and volunteers at the Charity Jam Session (CJS) 2022. The CJS 2022 was organised by the Malaysia Association of Hotels (MAH), Food Aid Foundation and Malaysian Food & Beverage Executives Association (MFBEA). SEGi University &...
Twenty students from the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences of SEGi College Sarawak visited the Open Day of the Institute of Health and Community Medicine (IHCM) located at UNIMAS, SARAWAK, on 4 October 2022. The objective of the visit was for the students to participate in fun activities related to molecular biology and...
SEGi University & Colleges is one of the only three higher learning institution in Malaysia to receive the digital certification of the ‘Sistem Kelulusan Pengambilan Pelajar Antarabangsa di Institusi Pendidikan (SKPA) at Hotel Le Meridien Putrajaya. There were 3 higher education provider, 2 international schools, 2 Certified Centres and 1 Skill Centre that was awarded...
On 18 October 2022, SEGi College Kuala Lumpur’s School of Education conducted a workshop for their Bachelor of Arts in Early Years Education and Diploma in Early Childhood Education students on the topic Keeping Children Safe from Harm. A hundred and twenty students from all of SEGi’s campuses took part in and benefitted from the...
SEGi近日于布城艾美酒店(Le Meridien),接收由马来西亚政府所颁发的“Sistem Kelulusan Pengambilan Pelajar Antarabangsa di instit...
2022年10月18日,SEGi吉隆坡分校的教育学院为其学前教育学士,以及大专文凭学生举办了一场以“保护儿童免受伤害”为主题的研讨会。 来自SEGi各校区的120名学生,参与了来自英国的Hailey ...
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