Mental Health Matters: SEGi Counsellor’s Perspectives

In contemporary society, mental health issues are increasingly prevalent, particularly among college students. The diagnosis of various disorders, including anxiety and depression, is on the rise, as reported by The Star (2021). Consequently, counselling services within colleges must cultivate an environment that is not only welcoming and safe but also confidential, allowing students to address their concerns without the fear of judgment freely.

Mr. Nicksheareer, a dedicated Student Services Counsellor at SEGi College Sarawak, shared profound insights gleaned from his extensive experience. Reflecting on his tenure, he highlighted one of the most poignant challenges faced during group support sessions for depression. He recounted instances where some participants bravely disclosed thoughts of suicide and self-harm, triggering unwelcome memories among others in the group. Despite such complexities, Mr. Nicksheareer fervently advocates for group therapy, recognising its efficacy in aiding students to navigate their mental health challenges. This approach fosters a sense of camaraderie and belonging among participants, providing them with invaluable emotional support.

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