December 27, 2023


以致力于提供全面教育的承诺而闻名的SEGi,于近期组织了一项马来西亚联邦法院的参观活动。30名法律系学生和4名讲师一同踏上了前往布城的变革之旅。 此次参观旨在让学生亲身体验法律实践和程序的复杂性,以加...
SEGi, renowned for its commitment to providing comprehensive education, recently organised an enlightening visit to the esteemed Federal Court of Malaysia. 30 law students accompanied by four lecturers from SEGi’s Faculty of Law embarked on a transformative journey to the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya.  The visit aimed to deepen the students’ legal acumen and...
SEGi’s School of MPU recently organised an exhilarating volunteering event at Zoo Negara, Kuala Lumpur, aptly named “Wildlife Environmental Day.” This event not only provided students with a unique opportunity to experience a day in the life of a zookeeper but also aimed to prioritise animal well-being, raise awareness about animal welfare, and engage the...
