July 26, 2023


SEGi University’s Faculty of Dentistry held its first-ever international event, the SEGi-IAOMP Symposium 1.0, in collaboration with the Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists (IAOMP), the world’s biggest oral pathology association, in Auditorium A.   The symposium had guest speakers from both Malaysia and India. The theme was “Odontogenic cysts and tumors” with the goal...
SEGi口腔医学学院与印度口腔与颌面病理学家协会(IAOMP),也即是全球最大的口腔病理学协会,首次联办SEGi-IAOMP 1.0国际研讨会,会议地点在SEGi的Auditorium A举行。 研讨...
