December 6, 2022


SEGi吉隆坡分校的传播与创意设计学院(SOCAD)于2022年10月20日,主办了一场海报设计比赛,并开放予所有学生参加。 本次活动的主题为“马来西亚:多元文化的大学”,旨在带出马来西亚作为一个多元...
SEGi槟城分校获得烹饪曝光 2022年10月16日,SEGi槟城分校酒店与旅游管理学院的学生,在“2022年公园烹饪比赛”上获得了安慰奖。该赛事由槟城市议会和马来西亚厨师协会联办,在市政厅公园(青年...
Some students from SEGi College Penang’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management won a consolation prize in the Cooking in the Park Competition 2022 on 16 October 2022, jointly organised by the Penang Island Municipal Council and Chef’s Association of Malaysia and held at the Municipal (Youth) Park. SEGi’s contestants were made up of two...
SEGi College Kuala Lumpur’s School of Communication and Creative Design (SOCAD) organised a poster-design competition open to students of all programmes on 20 October 2022. The theme of the poster was “Malaysia: University in Diversity”, with the objective of celebrating Malaysia as a nation of beautiful diversity, for the students to develop skills in digital...
