February 12, 2019


Lecturer, School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts, SEGi College Kuala Lumpur, and SEGi Group of Colleges (SGC), Miss Saiyida Nafisa Binti Rosdi recently won the gold award in K- Novasi P&P under the “Teaching Aid Material” category. Karnival Inovasi Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (K-Novasi P&P) is an academic competition organized annually by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia...
Saiyida Nafisa Binti Rosdi女士是吉隆坡世纪学院和世纪学院集团(SGC)酒店、旅游和烹饪艺术学院讲师,她最近获得了K-Novasi P&P “教学辅助材料” 类别的金...
